Edward e mason, m.d., ph. D is best known as the “father of obesity surgery”. He began performing gastric bypass surgery in 1966 and vertical banded gastroplasty surgery in 1980.
Doctor Albert Chocron was born in fes, morocco in 1949 but eventually settled in paris. For the last 20 years, he has enjoyed the prestige of being the most sought-after nutritionist in international show biz circles.
Khemaïs NAGATI
Doctor Khemaïs Nagati is a Tunisian specialist in metabolic and endocrine diseases (diabetes, nutrition, obesity), professor nagati became the head of the nutrition and diabetes service at the national institute of nutrition, Tunis, after which he became chairman of the scientific committee of this same institute.
Dr. Ridha MZABI
Professor Ridha Mzabi, is Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Former Head of the Hospitals Department, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and the first surgeon to practice obesity surgery in Africa
Richard DIAN
A parisian cardiologist born in Tunis, Dr. Richard dian has been practicing at the alleray-labrousse clinic for twenty-five years.
Cardiologist, Pharmacologist and ex-Minister of Health in Tunisia, Doctor Ridha Kechrid is specialized in cardiology and pharmacology.