“I did not see myself getting fat, as I am tall, it was insidious, little by little, my extra kilos have turned into an onset of obesity without me noticing.I had a very active working life, I was a designer and I made sets in windows in haute couture shops in Paris, a hectic life and a glamorous environment that suited me perfectly, and in which, I had met with a lot of success.
On the recommendation of a friend, I made contact with Sophie Reverdi to ask her to coach me to lose 30 kilos, that no longer allowed me to wear my chic little outfits every day I had exchanged my style of dress, more ethnic and much less skin-tight.
In the space of 3 months, following the advice of my coach, I found my maiden body, my tone through sport, my motivation was unblocked.
I had finally lost my disastrous habits of eating anytime and anything, I started to cook and buy organic and natural products, which I cooked as I had been taught, but most of all, a deep click had occurred in me.
This trigger was that I felt so indebted to this program, that had put me in the right path, that henceforth, I wanted to find in me my intrinsic values, that related to my education and surely to my culture.
I now wanted in my life the truth, the sensible, I wanted to give importance to this process of profound transformation, which was for me a real salvation, even a rescue, and I decided then to radically change my life, to the surprise and the fright of my family and those around me.
I then enroll in a life coach training, to be able to reach out to anyone who needs it.
I left the glamour of beautiful windows by the wayside, to focus on what is important for me, helping others. To give back what we are given, at a crucial moment in our lives and that allows us to to get closer to ourselves, to reconnect with our inner vibrations, with our strength, and to see more clearly then, what we intend to do with this life.
I’m happy to have met Sophie on my way, at this moment of my life, which was actually a turning point to get closer to who I really am, the weight was only an excuse maybe, but her dedication obviously surpasses the confines of weight loss, she has a global and profound vision of the people she helps and a great determination to see them transform themselves durably, this is what she has shown to me.”