Being overweight is the first step towards obesity, everyone knows it, but in general, we do not react in time as the process can be slow.
Both are hard to grasp without « the right tools », because it is not enough to want to change to be able to change, so how?
For years, I often had to wear kid gloves when I spoke to my overweight or obese clients when talking about their condition but I got fed up, today I do not wear my gloves and I call a spade a spade, even if I’m sometimes criticised for it. It does not make me hot or cold, because I’m not here for diplomacy, I’ve been a whistle-blower for 25 years to this pandemic and what I offer are solutions that have proven themselves time and again
If overweight can be considered a nuisance, ungainly, ugly in today’s society, obesity is something all together different, it is a serious illness that can lead to death (6850 people a day die of obesity in the world , or 5.8 every minute), but can also cause serious functional and psychological disorders that eventually lead to the same consequences.
If overweight can be considered a nuisance, ungainly, ugly in today’s society, obesity is something all together different, it is a serious illness that can lead to death (6850 people a day die of obesity in the world , or 5.8 every minute), but can also cause serious functional and psychological disorders that eventually lead to the same consequences. I make a point of explaining it clearly to all those who want to lose weight, because without knowing what is « overweight » and « obesity » and what they both induce, it is impossible to fight effectively. Overweight and obesity also cause significant damage to the personality of the affected individuals, leading to behavioural mechanisms that are heavy and difficult to undo later, requiring real life coaching.
The solutions:
These are the facts, however, if the danger exists, the good news is that we can reverse the course of things, and overcome both obesity and overweight in children, adolescents and adults. This is the purpose of this « practical blog », with just the right information, later, you will adopt the good behaviour naturally.
It is obvious that traditional diets are too difficult to hold because they are frustrating and restrictive, even more so for children and adolescents. Often without taste or flavor, without the pleasure in the act, without colours and without surprises. In short boring without a name, and inevitably we end up throwing ourselves at the enjoyable, highly calorific foods to compensate. This is reason we yo-yo with our weight.
The weight loss market is booming, and every day new products appear, but in reality, no diet treatment has been proven effective, and if obesity and overweight is not treated seriously, taking into account all the detrimental effects, the results will be superficial and ephemeral.
To lose weight permanently, you first need a concrete, effective, fun and easy method that will last for the long term. My objective for the last 25 years, is to prevent and circumvent the problem by giving access to a set of easy, effective and concrete practices, all focused on the discovery of a delicious cuisine, colourful, surprising, easy to do, friendly and family-friendly, that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. All set around behavioural coaching elements which, will easily allow you access to permanent change. The first advice I would like to give you is to try for a week, the recipes I have made available. Read the shopping list in the tips section, create wonderful delicious 100% light meals and snacks for you and your family.
Taking the first step towards your new, healthier life is as simple as that …
so to your shopping baskets ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to begin!